
De 1.000km van Geert voor Parkinson
Bijna twee maanden na het behalen van zijn sportieve uitdaging spraken we Geert van Nispen weer even. VOOM steunde Geert bij zijn ambitie om 1.000 kilometer te lopen in 30...

Alltractive en VOOM gaan partnership aan
Alltractive Multisport Company is een jong reisbureau dat zich heeft gespecialiseerd in kleinschalige sportieve reizen naar Oostenrijk. Lekker samen uitdagend outdoor en op hoogte (duur)trainen, zoals; Trailrunnen, mountainbiken, triatlon, langlaufen, etc....

Dromen, Durven, Delen, DOEN!
Als extreme duursporter ben ik altijd opzoek naar mijn fysieke en mentale grenzen. Ze hebben allebei erg veel met elkaar te maken. Maar één ding is zeker als je de...

Geert van Nispen loopt 1.000 kilometer in 30 dagen!
VOOM ondersteund (sportieve) ambities! “Geert van Nispen loopt 1.000 kilometer in 30 dagen. Hij doet dit om aandacht te vragen voor Parkinson, de ziekte waar zijn moeder aan lijdt.” Toen...

VOOM Nutrition nieuwe voedingspartner van De thorXtri Extreme Triatlon
De ThorXtri is simpelweg een episch Extreem Triathlon-evenement dat zich afspeelt in de prachtige fjorden van Zuidwest-Noorwegen. Een van de zwaarste triatlons in Noorwegen en een van de zwaarste triatlons...

Electrolytes and Hydration - How to avoid muscle cramp
What are electrolytes and why are they important for the hydration? Learn how to achieve the fastest possible hydration to maximise your athletic performance.

What is Protein?Protein is one of three macronutrients that form the human diet, carbohydrate and fats being the others. Protein is found in foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs,...

Which Pocket Rocket Energy Bar is right for me?
Each of the energy bars in the Pocket Rocket range have been developed with a specific function in mind. Find out how each rocket can help you...

What are B vitamins? Do complex B-Vitamins and Vitamin B-12 aid sports performance?
There are different types of B-Vitamins which are each found in different food types and have different uses in the body. Find out how B-Vitamins can boost your performance.

Best protein pancakes recipe? You decide!
A quick, easy and very tasty protein pancake recipe. Pancakes aren't just for pancake day!

Training Tips to Maintain Triathlon Fitness During Covid-19 Lockdown
Triathlon training during the Covid-19 lockdown including tips from Team VOOM ambassadors.

What is taurine and what are the benefits of taurine?
Taurine is an amino acid commonly associated with pre workout stimulation. Find out what taurine does in the body, the benefits of and when it should be used.

The Dirty Reiver - The Best Gravel Race in Britain!
VOOM are super excited to be partnering as the official nutrition supplier for the UK's premier gravel riding event, the Dirty Reiver!

The role of Carbohydrates in energy for sport
Carbohydrates are an essential source of energy for the body. Find out about the different types of carbs and why they're important during sports and exercise.

What is Beta-alanine and the Benefits of Beta-alanine for sports performance
Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid but unlike most amino acids is not involved in protein synthesis. Find out how beta-alanine can improve sports performance.

The effect of caffeine on sports performance
Find out about caffeine and its benefits on sporting performance.

Energy gels and running gels - the good, the bad and the ugly!
Energy gels have been widely used in running and endurance sport since the 1990s but whats in sports gels and why do some many who use gels get stomach problems?

Race Day Nutrition - Fueling tips with Jo Rycroft at FIT Cumbria
'Race Day Nutrition' by Jo Rycroft focuses on optimsing race day nutrition to improve performance. Eat well, race well...